Whether you enjoy your honey in coffee, tea, or charcuterie the bees made some just for you.
buy honeyBoulder Valley Honey
We are Colorado beekeepers focused on sustainable apiaries that produce local honey of the highest quality. Each jar of honey comes with its own story from an interesting season of forage to bears in the yard. Our bees live throughout the foothills and high plains, and have been bred and nurtured for hardiness throughout our dynamic local environs. Our mission is to provide a robust management practice that supports happy and healthy bees that can produce a surplus of delicious honey for all to enjoy. We do this by employing organic and regenerative processes that ensure our bees thrive year over year, including producing our own beehives from Colorado timber and working with local manufacturers to produce environmentally safe packaging on the front range.

Honey Taster Flight
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Honeybee Forage in Boulder
This map of the greater Boulder area shows the locations where each bit of honey produced by our bees originates. Boulder Valley Honey never imports or resells honey--each drop is gathered as nectar right here in Boulder, Colorado.
Honeybees forage as far as five miles from their hives, but with ample forage near their apiaries the foraging worker bees don't typically venture further than a few miles. To this end, each region of beehives captures a unique snapshot of the flora from its respective area, which can vary in flavor, color, and consistency.
When harvesting, Boulder Valley Honey carefully separates each frame of honey from hives within these special forage areas before extracting and bottling.